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Early Literacy and Language Program
reading exploration and appreciation, shared big books, writing experimentation, developing and expanding listening skills, communicating ideas and experiences, expanding awareness of concepts of print.
Imaginative Play
dress-up, puppets, Rainbow "village," housekeeping area, props for acting.
learning about numbers, understanding patterns, representing and interpreting data, reasoning and problem solving, exploring, science activities, pets to care for and love, planting seeds in the greenhouse, gardening, petting zoo with lambs, goats, chickens, and a donkey and pony to feed and love.
Blocks and Transportation
building and constructing, creating scenes, engineering.
Creative Expression
dance and movement, rhythm instruments, woodworking, easel painting, cutting, molding and squishing clay, crafting, music, role-playing.
Fine and Sensory Motor Development
sorting, classifying, eye-hand coordination, self-help skills, water/sand/rice/noodle play, developing small muscle control.
Outdoor Play
playgrounds, sports/games/running fields, trike court, basketball court, pony rides on "Licorice," gross motor activities.
Seasonal Activities
include creating scarecrows, pumpkin patch picking, raking leaves, Thanksgiving campfire, having fun in the snow, sowing seeds in the greenhouse, planting for the Butterfly Garden, the Vegetable Garden, and the Sunflower House Garden; annual May Fair – opportunities at the "pre-school on a farm."
Curricular activities at Rainbow Academy invite children to explore indoors and outdoors year-round! Learning comes alive in this exceptional pre-school and daycare facility!
Offered 2, 3, or 5 full days each week for ages 12 through 30 months.
Offered 2, 3, or 5 half days (mornings or afternoons) or full days each week for children ages 2.5–4 years.
Offered 3 or 5 half days (mornings or afternoons) or full days each week for children ages four years.
Designed to provide young children with activities in language, mathematics, creative arts, science, social studies, social living, and fine and gross motor areas. Children have opportunities for reading and writing, asking questions, seeking answers, and critical thinking in a full-day and/or half-day kindergarten. The learning mode is both teacher-directed and child-initiated. Learning objectives are based on the standards provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Early Learning Standards for Kindergarten.
Howard Gardner, an education professor at Harvard University, lists seven bits of intelligence: linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, and two forms of personal intelligence, one directed toward other persons, one directed toward oneself. His writings intrigue us, and we incorporate his theory into our school through our "Indoor and Outdoor Learning Center" activities. Our Indoor Centers include a Language Center, Science/Math Discovery Center, Manipulatives Center, Dramatics/Imaginative Play Center, Creative Expression Center, Blocks, and Transportation. Our outdoor centers allow for easel painting, balance and coordination activities, trikes, fields for soccer and ball sports, a greenhouse and gardens, and caring for our ponies, lambs, and goats. Children develop a love for the environment as they nurture and care for plants and animals friends.
Children learn cooperative play, empathy for friends and pets, and a sense of "community" at Rainbow Academy through our Responsive Classroom techniques and Morning/Afternoon Meeting activities. This program reinforces a curriculum of social responsibility and community.
Provides an afternoon of enrichment for those children who attend morning classes in public elementary schools. This private kindergarten allows for a smooth transition where children can explore literacy, math, art, science, nature, and play.
Five mornings or full days each week are offered for children ages 4.5 and older.
Offered 2, 3, or 5 afternoons each week for elementary school children.
Rainbow Academy will offer an alternating day program for children who do not attend Elementary School 5 days a week. Rainbow Academy will be offering 2,3,4, or 5 days a week programs for children who attend Elementary School that are not five days per week or not every week. Online learning support will exist from a Rainbow Academy teacher. Students will also experience the outside grounds of Rainbow Academy throughout the year.
Offered for children attending local elementary schools on "days off."
Find the right program for your child’s needs. Contact us today at 215-355-6498 to explore our offerings!
Hours of Operation
Accredited by the National Academy of
Early Childhood Programs
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